Journal Elba Aviation Institute
Current Issue: Volume 2, Issue1



Preceding analysis of cumulated data: Trainers’ impact value on pilot candidates

Sera Rüya Beköz, Mehmet Ali Pakalın, Üner Beköz
In our institution, we started several programs three years ago to create and follow pilot trainers’ impact value and to find evidence to qualify all aspects of the training. Although the follow-up length of the study was determined to be five years, the COVID-19 pandemic circumstances forced us to analyze cumulated data for the past three years. The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that the impact value of the trainer has a greater effect on students than the other parameters. What we found was not what we had expected. Meanwhile, we suggest that CBT is not the way to handle rational pilot training. EBT should be considered better and should be applied well in the training. We collected quite a lot of data to provide solid evidence.


Dear Authors, Reviewers and Readers

I am proud to announce that The Journal of Civil Aviation (JCivilAvia) has now been accessible on line for all the authors, reviewers and readers all around the world, expecting them to contribute their original unpublished research, scholarly essays, critical commentaries, and letters to the editor as well as the case reports which are free of charge.

JCivilAvia is a biannually published journal.  As a biannual journal, printed version will have no paper or page limit and authors will not have to keep waiting for a further issue.  I believe, the submission process of the journal will also be fast but rigorous.

On behalf of my associate editors and all other staff, I thank you for your contributions.
